Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why did UPS go on strike? What Are the major issues?

In 1997, UPS Teamsters won a stunning victory at Big Brown--the biggest victory for labor in the last twenty years. This video will show how UPS Teamsters made UPS deliver 10,000 full-time jobs and record pension increases.

What Did They Gain?
The Teamsters have won nearly 40% increase in wages for the average part-time worker and the creation of over 10,000 new full-time positions. In a time when many unions have had to fight to the death for modest gains or to just hold onto what they already have, this unprecendented gain for UPS workers is an inspiring win for UPS workers.


  • About 60 percent of the unionized jobs at UPS are part-time.
  • Teamsters want to reduce part-time jobs by combining them into full-time positions. The company has said it would create 1000 new full-time jobs.
  • UPS wants to stop conrtibuting to a teamster-run pension plan that covers workers at other companies. The union say's it is a bargaining for all its members, not just the 185000 who work for UPS.
  • Average part-time pay would go up at least $2.50 per hour over five years to 13.50 per hour under the latest company offer. Full-time pay would increase $1.50 per hour by 2001 to $21.45 per hour.

Represented by the Teamsters