Friday, March 27, 2009

My feelings on UPS

I think that UPS is a key concept to keep our economy stable and flowing. They are the ones that secure package deliveries that are crucial or important for consumers. They keep this nation organized and moving, without them we'd be lost as can be proven by the strike.

Connection with HOFFA

When comparing Hoffa with UPS they both had similar tactics. They realized that their powers and used it to their advatage by striking. Hoffa wasnt satisfied untill he recieved what he wanted and neither was UPS, and the teamsters were run by Jimmy Hoffa, even though he wasnt alive at the time. Hoffa created the Union which supported UPS throughout their strike.

What was the outcome of the strike? Who won?

The outcome was that UPS signed a 5 year contract witht the workers. The workers didnt recieve everything they wanted, many part time workers recieved a increase in wages. Most details were disclosed. At the end UPS lost 300 million dollars a week and the workers were out of work for a while. I believe that at the end UPS showed their importance with our economy securing a win.

Who do you think was correct?

I belive that UPS did the right thing, if they felt that it was right to come out and strike then they had every right too. They showed their importance to the country by striking with the help of the teamsters.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What effect did the UPS strike have on the United States?

UPS showed the United Sates how much their corporation meant to our economy. It was the largest strike in the U.S. in over a decade, disrupting the delivery of millions of packages throughout the country every day for more than two weeks. UPS controls 80 percent of all package deliveries in the United States, so there was hardly a community or a business anywhere that was not affected. Ranging from medical supplies for the sick to critical packages for clients, the company put our nation at a hault.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

South Florida During strike

The first ever strike agiants UPS split a wide path across South Florida. UPS launched a strike when that comany delivers 80 percent of the nations packages. South Florida had a major impact while there top sellers of fruit could not make their shipments.

Who was president? Who profited due to the strike? Who is RPS?

During the time of the strike the president of the union of Ron Carey. The strike had caused alot of caos but at the same time many companies profited off of the strike. US Postal, Airborne Express, Federal Express, RPS all benifitted off of UPS's strike due to business that UPS had being split between all of those companies.

Daily Parcel Service (Pre-strike totals)-
  1. UPS deliveres 12 million
  2. FedEx deliveres2.8 million
  3. U.S Postal Service deliveres 3 million
  4. Airborne Express deliveres 1.3 million

RPS - is the countries second largest small package ground carrier, since the strike it has increased to 1.5 million packages a day, a 20 percent increase over volume.